The goal of this task was to effectively communicate the differences between the types of waste within the workplace. I needed to identify what types of waste can be placed into Co-Mingled Recycling and what types of waste can be placed into General Waste.

I originally had some rough concepts which included photographs of the types of waste included on the photo. I decided to move away from that type of imagery as it became messy and inconsistent. A variety of these early concepts are attached below.

It was at this point in deciding to go with icons rather than imagery I revisited our initial concepts and came up with a variety of new concepts moving forward

Overall, I'm happy with the final design. I believe it clearly communicated the differences in the types of waste within the workplace. I also believe that it isĀ also consistent with our other branding we have among the workplace. This was a very satisfying project to tackle in the early stages of my employment.